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+49 8376 92131 0

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Responsible for content:
Paul Thürwächter, Lena Undeutsch

Suma Rührtechnik GmbH
Martinszeller Str. 21
87477 Sulzberg / Germany
Telephone: +49 8376 92131-0
Telefax: +49 8376 92131-19

Authorized representative executive director:
Paul Thürwächter, Lena Undeutsch

Court of Registration: Local Court Kempten
Registration number: HRB 3815
Identification number according to § 27 a sales tax: DE 128 799 882

Implementation / Hosting
Ehrenfeld Internetagentur

Picture credits:
© Countrypixel -
© dizfoto1973 -
© dmitrimaruta -

Notice in pursuance of section § 36 German Consumer Dispute Resolution Act:
SUMA Rührtechnik GmbH will not take part in a dispute settlement procedure before a consumer arbitration board within the meaning of the Consumer Dispute Resolution Act and is not obliged to do so.

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