
Career choice programme attendees visit headquarter of SUMA Rührtechnik

On 26 March and 4 April, as part of the Allgäuer Berufsoffensive project, SUMA Rührtechnik welcomed interested eighth & ninth grade students from the Durach secondary school to a demonstration day at the company. The project has been supporting young people in choosing a career since 2004.

The program gives prospective apprentices the opportunity to get to know better various apprenticeships in a company. After a short welcome and introduction round, Anja Frenzel (first year apprentice at SUMA) gave an informative presentation about the company, the functioning of a biogas plant, the advantages of environmentally friendly energy generation using biogas and the necessity of the stirring process. Afterwards the visitors were allowed to become active themselves. After a brief introduction, the pupils were able to test their skills in various tasks. In addition to a telephone training, which simulated the daily tasks of customer communication for those interested in commercial matters, it was also possible to help with parts production during assembly or to get to know the various welding methods in the welding factory.

Finally, the students had the opportunity to exchange ideas with apprentices from the business and manufacturing sectors. In addition, former trainees reported on their interesting work, which they are now doing at SUMA after successfully completing their training.
After an informative day in the company and many impressions from everyday working life, the school classes returned home with many new insights.

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